a black and white image of a cat with text reading: please; don't let the cops in, or the cats out. oh hi! if you're reading this, you've stumbled across my personal webpage! i created it in 2022 to have a fun space for myself to learn about web design, but you can take a look around too i suppose. :P

88 by 31 gray button with an icon of a cat looking at a meteor shower that reads catscape meow! 2.0 88 by 31 pink button that reads neocities.org. the web is yours 88 by 31 gray button with an icon of a spinning 3d cat that reads nekoscape nyan! 98 88 by 31 button that reads best viewed with a cat with an icon of a cat 88 by 31 gray button with an icon of miku's face that reads vocaloid now! 1.0 88 by 31 gray button with an icon of a red die that reads intercasino free 88 by 31 button with the trans flag as a background that reads tran's rights 88 by 31 gray button with an icon of  miku that reads this site is miku approved 88 by 31 gray button with an icon of a computer that reads i like computer a blue 88 by 31 button with the firefox logo that reads firefox in white text 88 by 31 gray button with an icon of a skull and crossbones that reads piracy now! free 88 by 31 gif button of ralsei from deltarune smoking a joint 88 by 31 button that reads click here! 88 by 31 button that reads i need a nap now! with an icon of three Zs


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